Escape Room Management Made Easy
Control your bookings, clue your games, manage your staff, get reports on everything…
Escape Room Management Software, developed from within the industry, for the industry.
With being in the industry for a decade, running your Escape Room with Tempus gives you more time to concentrate on customer service.
All-In-One Software Package
All the features you need to run, and manage your Escape Room(s), its bookings, the staff, and more.
Ten Years' Development
Improve your games from stats. Manage your bookings & staff. Reach out to your customers. Sell vouchers, give discounts.
Control Staff Availability
Have full control of every member of staff's regular and specific availability - including holidays and specific unavailability. Store their personnel documents, and log warnings and Return To Work Meetings.
Percentage availability calendar for every branch, in every game.
Generic Tasks Made Easy
Set repeating RoomSlots, reschedule bookings, exchange booking to a voucher, resend confirmation emails, set holidays, add/remove additional availability, schedule Call-To-Book.
Breakdown Staff Stats To Improve Experiences
Monitor your staff’s hosting performance with detailed game breakdowns, and keep your customers up to date with their rank and their photos.
Game Follow-Up
Retain customers with automated or manual follow-up emails, inviting them to review you if their experience is suspected to be highly-rated, sharing their stats and more…
Do Not Lose Any Data
Customise more than just colours, sounds, videos - completely re-imagine your clue system.
Log One-Time-Fixes or concerns via your Clue System.
Integrate Next Generation Tempus Hardware
Your escape experience becomes alive, move away from a Clue System and use Tempus Technology to enhance your customers' experience. Lighting, RFID, programmable relays, and more…
Migration Is Easy
If your current booking system is Resova, Bookeo, or Xola - Tempus can import your Booking, Customer, and Transaction data. If you have a custom system, data can still be migrated over.
Resova, Bookeo, or Xola Data Import
Your data is important, it helps understand the growth of your business, Tempus will keep this historic data so you can plan ahead.
Why Is This Website Not More Detailed?
We are focusing on new features, which are worked on daily. We are actively developing ER Tempus for the Escape Room community, and are receptive to requests. This website will increase in its content in due course, but for the mean time there's exciting features to program, and the community to interact with.
Also, some of Tempus' features are unique in the industry; sometimes it's good to be a little under-the-radar.
Want A Demo?
Pop Mark an email at for him to arrange a 30-60 minute demo session over Zoom or Discord.
Ready to talk hardware, software, escape rooms around the world, and more…